Wrestling Summer Academy

Audience: Grades 5-9 (‘24-25 School Year)

Focus: Building Strength, Power, Speed & Aerobic Capacity. Reducing injury’s through proper off-season training & physical therapy/rehab drills. Nutrition Coaching to maximize off-season growth, and prepare for rigors of the upcoming season.


  • Sports Specific Training: 3:15pm-4:15pm Monday & Fridays (Runs June 3rd-August 21st)

  • General Strength Training: 6:45pm Tuesday, Thursday, 10:45am Saturday

Development Tests:

  • 1RM Power Clean

  • Max Wattage: 3 x 2mins on, 1min off Air Bike

  • 3RM Deadlift

  • 1RM Front Squat

  • Max Deadhang & Pull-ups

Cost: $199/month

Early-Bird Pricing: $50 off if signed up before May 25th, 2024

Coach Logan Penix runs this program. Logan is a Division 1 Football player and lifelong Wrestler, as well as a Powerlifting Champion. Logan ran the S&C rooms for two High Schools in the Akron area, and found his love for working with Wrestlers due to their work ethic, grit and perseverance. Logan is the Head Coach of the Parisi Total Performance program. Logan himself saw many injuries sideline him throughout his athletic career, and hopes to help athletes develop the strength required to prevent that from happening to them. He has since built his deadlift AND squat to over 600lbs at a bodyweight of 180, and has seen the benefits to his health, injury prevention and overall athleticism as a result of this pursuit.